1.  Household Public Goods, Household Division, and Rural Economic Growth , (with Mark Rosenzweig). forthcoming Review of Economic Studies
  2. "Financial Intermediation, Transfers and Commitment: Do Banks Crowd Out Private Insurance Arrangements in Low-Income Rural Areas?" A. Mason and G. Tapinos, eds., Sharing the Wealth: Demographic Change and Economic Transfers between Generations, Oxford University Press, 2000
  3. "A Consistent Semiparametric Estimator of the Consumer Surplus Distribution", (with Jinyong Hahn). forthcoming Economics Letters
  4. "Imperfect Commitment, Altruism, and the Family: Evidence from Transfer Behavior in Low-Income Rural Areas", March 1999 (with Mark Rosenzweig), Review of Economics and Statistics
  5.  "Women's Schooling, Home Teaching, and Economic Growth",  Journal of Political Economy, August 1999, (with Jere Behrman, Mark Rosenzweig and Prem Vahsishtha).
  6.  "Reconstructing the Size of the African-American Population by Age and Sex: 1930-1990", forthcoming Demography (with Samuel Preston, Irma Elo and Haishan Fu).
  7. "Technical Change and Human Capital Returns and Investments: Evidence from the Green Revolution", (with Mark Rosenzweig ), American Economic Review 86(4): 931-953 September 1996
  8. "Comparative Advantage, Information and the Allocation of Workers to Tasks: Evidence from an Agricultural Labor Market", (with Mark Rosenzweig), Review of Economic Studies 63(3): 347-374, July 1996
  9. "Dynamic Savings Decisions in Agricultural Environments with Incomplete Markets", (with Jere Behrman and Mark Rosenzweig), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 15:2 (April), 282-292.
  10. "Learning by Doing and Learning from Others: Human Capital and Technical Change in Agriculture", (with Mark Rosenzweig), Journal of Political Economy, 103 (6): 1176-1209, December 1995
  11. "The Dynamics of Agricultural Production and the Calorie-Income Relationship: Evidence from Pakistan" (with Jere Behrman and Mark Rosenzweig), Journal of Econometrics 77: 187-207, 1997
  12. "Huber Correction for Two Stage Least Squared Estimation", Stata Technical Bulletin, January 1996 (with Mead Over and Dean Jolliffe).
  13. "Nutrition and Health Investment", American Economic Review, 1995 Proceedings, 85(2): 148-152, May 1995.
  14. "Prices, Credit Constraints, and Child Growth in Low-Income Rural Areas", Economic Journal, 105(430): 551-570, May 1995.
  15. "A Test for Moral Hazard in the Labor Market: Effort, Health and Calorie Consumption", Review of Economics and Statistics, 76(2): 213-227, May 1994 (with Mark Rosenzweig).
  16. "Poverty and Illness in Low-Income Countries", American Economic Review, 1994 Proceedings, 84(2): 216-220, May 1994.
  17. "Information, Learning, and Wage Rates in Rural Labor Markets", Journal of Human Resources, 28(4): 759-790, 1994 (with Mark Rosenzweig) Reprinted in T. Paul Schultz, editor Investment in Women's Human Capital, University of Chicago Press, pp138-170.
  18. "Information Flows and Discrimination in Labor Market in Low-Income Countries" World Bank Economic Review, Supplement pp. 173-203, 1993, (with Mark Rosenzweig).
  19. "Household Partition in Rural Bangladesh", Population Studies, 47(1): 97-114, March 1993.
  20. "Older Widow Mortality in Rural Bangladesh", Social Science and Medicine, 34(1): 89-96, January 1992 (with Omar Rahman and Jane Menken).
  21. "Are Cohort Rates Autocorrelated?" Demography, 28(4): 619-37, 1991.
  22. "Cohort Analysis and Demographic Translation: A Comparative Study of Recent Trends in Age Specific Fertility Rates From Europe and North America", Population Studies, 44: 287-315, 1990.
  23. "Sustained Effects of Famine on Infant and Child Mortality", Population Studies, 44: 145-154, 1990, (with A. Razzaque, N. Islam, and L. Wei).
  24. "Female Reproductive Development: A Hazard Model Analysis", Social Biology, 33(3-4):183-98, Fall/Winter 1986, (with A. Chowdhury, J. Menken, and J. Trussell).
  25. "Teenage Fertility in Developed Nations: 1971-1980." Family Planning Perspectives, 15(3):105-11, May/June 1983. International Family Planning Perspectives, 9(2): 45-50, June 1983, (with C.F. Westoff and G. Calot).
  26. "Le fecondite des adolescentes dans les pays developpes au cours del la decennie 1970." Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 12(12):1343-52, December 1984. (with C.F. Westoff and G.Calot)
  1. The Demographic Effects of Economic Reversals in Sub-saharan Africa, (with the National Academy of Science Working Group on the Demographic Effects of Economic Reversals), National Academy of Science Press 1993.
  1. Agricultural productivity growth, rural economic diversity, and economic reforms: India 1970-200. October 2003 (with Mark Rosenzweig)
  2. Agricultural development, industrialization, and rural inequality  September 2003 (with Mark Rosenzweig)
  3. Democratization, Decentralization and the Distribution of Local Public Goods in a Poor Rural Economy   December 2001 (with Mark Rosenzweig)
  4. Consequences of the Green Revolution for Rural Landless Households:  The Complex Relationship between Income Growth and Human Development , December 2000 (with Mark Rosenzweig)
  5. Technological Change and the Distribution of Schooling:  Evidence from Green-Revolution India, November 2000 (with Mark Rosenzweig)
  6. Altruism, Household Coresidence and Women's Health Investment in Rural Bangladesh, October 1998
  7. Missing Women, the Marriage Market and Economic Growth, January 1999, (with Mark Rosenzweig)
  8. "Population Growth, Technical Change, and Forest Degradation, March 1999, (with Jere Behrman and Mark Rosenzweig)., Revise and resubmit Quarterly Journal of Economics.
  9. "The Dynamics of Education and Fertility: Evidence from a Family Planning Experiment". Revise and resubmit American Economic Review, January 1997, (with Nikhil Roy).
  10. "Equilibrating the Marriage Market in a Rapidly Growing Population: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh", August 1999, (with Nizam Khan).
  11. "Financial Intermediation, Transfers and Commitment: Do Banks Crowd Out Private Insurance Arrangements in Low-Income Rural Areas?" April 1996, (with Mark Rosenzweig)
  12. Review of Population, Economic Development and the Environment, by K. Lindahl-Kiessling and H. Landberg (eds.), Journal of Development Economics, (forthcoming).
  13. "Analysis of Household Behavior when Households Choose Their Members: Marriage-Market Selection and Human Capital Allocations in Rural Bangladesh", December 1995.
  14. Financial Intermediation, Transfers and Commitment: Do Banks Crowd Out Private Insurance Arrangements in Low-Income Rural Areas? April 1996 (with Mark Rosenzweig)
  15. "Program Effects and the Allocation of Resources within the Household", April 1994.
  16. "The Effects of Economic Fluctuations on Human Capital, Marriage and Fertility in Sub-Saharn Africa", March 1993.
  17. "Fertility Decline in Africa: Assessment and Prospects", World Bank Technical Paper No. 125, 1990.
  18. Review of Height, Health and History: Nutritional Status in the United Kingdom, 1750-1980 by R. Floud and K. Wachter and Nutrition and economic development in the eighteenth-century Habsburg monarchy: An anthropometric history by J. Komlos, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 518: 217-19, November 1991.
  19. "Complementarity in Rural Credit Markets: The Composition of Household Debt in Rural India", March 1989.
  20. "Age at Menarche and its Influence on Fertility." Fertility Determinants: Research Notes, No. 10, Population Council, 5 pp., September 1986. (With A. Chowdhury, J. Menken, J. Trussell).
  21. "Unobserved Heterogeneity and Dependent Covariates: A State-Space Model of Infant Growth and Mortality", IIASA Working Paper 85-87, December 1985.
Andrew Foster, Department of Economics, Brown University